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Equal opportunities forms

Sandrine Anterrion

Are the biggest con in history.

Why does one need to know my race, sexuality, religion: before I apply for an admin job in a small firm for instance?!…

What sort of a scanning device are those? And who really still believes that they serve the purpose of surveying whoever APPLIES for posts??!…

One of the greatest empowerments available to a job seeker: to be able to stand in front of an employer, and say « I can! » This they never get, because some will be shut down because of prejudice. They constantly get thrown to the back of the class.

Even if a candidate never got the job, they would get the opportunity to subconsciously and consciously project themselves into that position. They will have formatted their brain to adapt themselves to the role, and subliminally belonged in that social status.

But that very affirmation of their desperate self is denied to them, along with the job opportunity. Along with the financial rewards, the door way to dignity is also cruelly closed in front of them.




© 2010-2025 All text by Sandrine Anterrion, London writer.

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"The general plea, in my opinion, is the universally-urgent need for a deeper examination of an increasingly-ailing, increasingly-estranged Self."

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