London Music Psychology Fashion
Events & Workshops
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Music, Culture and Individuality
When / Where:
07/05/2017 | 16:00
Venue tbc
A discussion event open to all.
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A general discussion and open debate on various cultural influences in music.
Let us discuss how the mind is influenced by music and musical expressions in Western Classical music, modern Western popular music, Arabic, Eastern, Latin, Indian or African styles. We are looking at those issues from a listener's as well as performer's point of view. Welcome are dance performers, singers, listeners, psychology students, theologians, and musicians.
Performers are welcome to showcase an example of their art form, and present their thoughts on the subject.
Sandrine Anterrion is a Western classical singer, Latin/ Arabic/ Caribbean dancer, and a music psychology writer.
She will discuss various subjects around dance and music psychology studies: Stanislavski in dance, great composers and feminism, multiculturalism in music...
This is an opportunity to workshop some ideas and discover the World in multicultural stage and musical art forms. It will be fascinating to hear other artists or scientists approaches.
Fees £3.
Please show your interest.
A few London venues in mind, still to be confirmed, according to queries...
This will become a regular instalment.
One-to-one Fashion master classes.
Meet up for insights into drawing reflexes, character development, or design studies.
Design: Learn how to better create from textile motive and textile movement. Open your eyes to inspiration.
Listen to your audience/ targeted demographic, for greater design sensitivity.
Business: Brand development tips. Marketing consultation.
Illustration: Become more familiar with visually translating your ideas.
Pencils, watercolours, oils, acrylics, mixed media. Discover your own style.
Sandrine Anterrion:
20 plus years experience in fashion design and illustration, business starter Sandrine Anterrion.
Based in London.
Ask about Skype consulations if away.
Please visit www.Facebook.com/LondonfashionIllustrator
For more information.
Website under construction.

Rex Tremendae: a Resilience prescription?
08/09/2017. Venue tbc
Reacting to the amount of positivity interjections in Mozart's Rex Tremendae.
Could those components be used in mental health therapy contexts?
A talk and discussion about many aspects of the composition:
Mutual support events, gender assignments (roles), binary psychological debates in the score, and Mozart's artistic motivations...
Let me know your interest or input suggestions, by emailing this page or bonjoursandrine@hotmail.com ...
Regards, Sandrine
Sample items:
Exercise 3:
Open discussions and debates around various story / emotional journey development opportunities for vocal and instrumental characters.
How does this really affect the listener (various cultural/emotional backgrounds)?
Exercise 4:
Observe the male vocal parts various affirmative statements.
How does this translate into the listeners subconscious mind?... (varying emotional and cultural backgrounds)